Sunday, August 14, 2011

Work Crew!

This week, I've been at young life camp as one of the Work Crew Bosses. The week has been INCREDIBLE and has gone so smoothly. The Work Crew has been phenomenal and we have seen God do big things in the lives of the Wyldlife and Young Life kids.

A few highlights of the week from the Work Crew-

Sarah: Learned that having your quiet time in the morning in the most important thing to get you through the day, she also said that she learned how important prayer is to get you through the day.

Laura & Jake: Were incredibly bold and shared their testimonies in front of all the campers and Laura lead the Work Crew with her guitar, playing for the first time publicly!

Hannah: Said that for one of the first times she experienced a real community of believers, being brothers and sisters and working together.

This week the Work Crew dug deep into the word and I was constantly hearing them apply what we were studying to situations throughout the day. People were stretched and united.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Camp is tomorrow. Pee your Pants.

In case you are wondering, YL camp starts tomorrow here in the UK for Work Crew & Assigned Team.

I'm tickled to be the Work Crew Boss, really. I've been wanting to do it officially for years now.

Please be praying that all goes well and that most of all, we glorify God as much as our little human selves can this week.

Also, it's official. I'm in love. With Hoddesdon. There I said it.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

eggplant = aubergine

I know...I know, I haven't been too hot about blogging. I promised once a week and it's been about 3 since my last update. So, basically buckle up,this one is gonna be long.

I can't believe I've been in Hoddesdon a month! Already a third of my time is gone. It's gone by really fast but still I feel like it's been longer somehow. Going back to Knoxville is going to be hard as I love living here already. Hopefully it will be temporary and I will be back here as soon as possible. What God has in store is going to be incredible. down to details & highlights.

A few weeks ago, we had ice cream olympics, which was as usual a cold mess of emotion & sticky. The young lifers where excited and full on energy; the leaders on the other hand, terrified of the potential of the evening. It was fantastic.

Shortly after that event, me, Rich & Elaine (fellow YL staffers) and a whole minibus filled with teens went to volunteer at a Christian conference called New WIne for about 10 days. This involved England. I was a little nervous but the weather was great!- thankfully. In the morning, all of us watched babies and toddlers, which was great fun. We then had the afternoons off to hang out (or let's be real, nap) and in the evenings we went to worship events. It was really encouraging to see a group of English teenagers interested in God and pursuing a walk with Him.

After New Wine, its been a week back in the Office to finish plans for camp in t-minus 5 days. I can't believe it's already been a year since the last camp- and what a crazo year. Last year I was backpacking Europe and stopping to be on Work Crew for a week and now, I'm Work Crew Boss and planning on moving to Europe permanently. Makes me pregnant with emotion, really.

Alrighty, managed to keep that shortish, yet informative.

In case anyone is wondering, Sam is coming in 2 weeks to see me. It's going to be love reunited at last. What she doesn't know if that I'm going to kidnap her and force her to live under my bed until the Lees notice how quickly the food is disappearing. Might be awkward when no one pays the rent until October though.