Thursday, October 7, 2010


Silliness in the Colosseum

Shout Out

Huge Trampoline

Friday, October 1, 2010

2nd National Italian Liberation Festival- aka, the third time we were on Italian Television

Italy sings their national anthem. That's the president back there. We literally walked into this, not even a bag check. Always look for the backdoor to things my friends.

TRL Milano 2

This song by Caro Emerald is awesome. And getting on TRL in Milan is pretty awesome too.

TRL On The Road: Milano

You think that MTV is classy in the states? Heck no! Italy is got Didjerdu's, breakdancers, crazy drunks, a fake swing band and two idiot American's laughing in the front row.

As a side note, the next day Daniel and I walked past a shoe store with this on TV. We're basically famous in Italy.